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Blurb When love is naught but dashed hopes, and happily ever after is naught but a fleeting mirage, what remains is hurt and a longing for closure. This man was jilted by love, and finding closure can be a dangerous…
Blurb When love is naught but dashed hopes, and happily ever after is naught but a fleeting mirage, what remains is hurt and a longing for closure. This man was jilted by love, and finding closure can be a dangerous…
Blurb When darkness is your only admirer and the mirror mocks you in glaring light, what is left of your self esteem? Story “Did you see Miss Piggy today?” “Her mother should have swallowed her!” My heart sank as I…
Blurb Mad lust and good looks bound her by her hands and feet, and whisked her over its shoulders. Wistfully, she smiled as she was carried away, unaware that she had just begun a journey that would leave her powerless.…
And there he was, looking rough and worn out in a tired suit, but still a better representation than what he had been earlier that morning. Why did he always look so tired? She wondered. Had God answered her prayers by slapping karma down on him hard after all these years?
Nine days for the thief and one day for the owner of the house...
The words surfaced from nowhere and germinated in the back of my mind like unwanted weed. I wasn’t sure where I had heard them but it was surprising how it emerged when it was least needed. I even mentally began to count how many times I had stolen from the kitchen to be sure I had not exhausted my nine lives.
A sharp gasp in the bathroom. He paused and listened, slowly but surely two soft moans followed. He knew that moan anywhere. He had heard it a thousand times from different angles and in different positions. The sensation that followed was almost indescribable.
She had once been his for the taking. Once. He wondered what happened then. The past was a clutter of dawdled memories. He shook them off. He would focus on the Edima he saw today. How had she grown so beautiful over the years? Like an uninteresting shell, a cocoon that had hatched to give life to true beauty.
“Udoh! Imoh!” Mama’s voice sent lightening through me and I paused to feel the thunder. It came sharp and heavy! A smack to the back of my head made me stagger forward, but her claws grabbed me by the collar, and reeled me back. I trembled in her grasp and gave a tentative glance at Imoh. Maybe she had realized that her money was missing and Imoh had only been waiting to rat me out. He wouldn’t miss out on the chance to be portrayed as the holy child, the favourite born. He was standing next to her, unharmed, untouched. Anger welled in my gut and I wanted to protest.
The old man in agbada was winking at me. I tried to ignore him, since scowling at him was yielding no result. He probably thought I was another one of those young girls he could deceive. I wonder about those girls, and how they manage to see past his pot belly.
“Rot in hell!”
Scowling faces glared down in disgust amidst the drumming and chanting from village maidens. Their faces, a bright orange in the glaring firelight from the burning torches. She raised her hands to shield her face from the glaring beams and tucked her head to elude lashing hands. They pulled at her clothes, tearing her already ragged linen, ravaging her like wild dogs, tossing her from side to side. Her head jerked forward as a hard slap caught it!