As a writer, there are moments where you wonder if your story is good enough to make a great novel. There are common elements that underlie every great novel, being able to identify these will help you create an outstanding novel. Here are things great novels have in common: 


Readers turn books into bestsellers. The readership your book attracts determines what lengths your book will go; great books appeal to a large audience. These books are a congregation of real life simulations that can appeal to people. When the author identifies a common concept, problem or ideal, they build on that subject or weave around it. Take for instance, the manga HUNTER X HUNTER, the essential message in that book is Friendship and the connections we find in the journey of life. 

What are people afraid of? What do they hold dear? How important is parental love? How painful is the absence of a father in a home? What happens when we miss opportunities in life? The answers to these questions create themes that resonate with people all over the world; themes you can attribute to your characters and make them real.

Great novels explore these truths and therefore birth deep resonance with people all around the world. While writing your own novel, have this in mind.  


Ask yourself: “What’s going on in the world at this time? Is it a new thing? Is it a problem that has been in existence for some time and will possibly be repeated in the future?” 

The answers to these questions will help you see if your book can transcend time. Your book becomes a classic if it’s still desirable after a hundred years.


Good novels allow you to feel, perceive and see the world which the writer creates. It takes you on a journey—from the familiar, to the unknown. In  common words, it helps the reader escape. 

The reader goes on a journey, side by side with each character, where the reader is connected to their thoughts and emotions. 

Every good book has the ability to unlock your imaginative capacity. You don’t just imagine the things written down in the book, you think of what should have been. 

The writer may not give all the details, but rather, leave room for the reader’s imagination as well. The writer raises questions in your mind and leaves you to find the answer. This is how the writer makes the reader interact with what he’s building, keeping them intrigued in the story.


Learn more about Creative Writing here.

My name is Racheal Asikpo. I can take the creative weight of completing your stories. I can also give you 70% distance from the writing and research. I offer ghostwriting, developmental editing and copyediting services. How about you allow a fresh pair of eyes give you a fresh breath of air?

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