The Good Ghostwriter

A Ghostwriter is someone who does the writing in an author’s stead. There are many reasons to hire a ghostwriter:

You don’t have the time or the expertise:

Call to mind your favorite Movie or book, a masterpiece that had such storytelling creativity and valuable life lessons that you may have inculcated. If you look up the number of minds that came together to make each film and book a success, you’ll realize a lot of expertise went into the making of these gems. And now, you’re considering your own book, a piece of art that someone may remember fondly if you do it right.

But doing it right does not mean writing your story on your own. Yes, it is your story but are you equipped to give your message the best impact possible? Ghostwriters and most authors have chosen the craft of writing, they’ve dedicated time to learning, improving and writing, would your book not benefit from these years of specialty?

Would you replace your chef with your driver? After all, it’s just cooking, same thing goes for writing. Everyone can write, you might say, but storytelling is a muscle you build overtime, as mastery is something built in dedication. If you want the best out of your story you may want to hire a Ghostwriter to improve your storytelling delivery or, you can get one as your writing coach.

Parts of your story may trigger you:

Your story will not fare well if it is told in pieces or is told without emotion. Some authors recounting horrible experiences may choose to severe themselves from what they felt, writing a cold bland piece. It is best to recount, record or write a journal for an expert to reconstruct, giving your story a better chance at being appreciated by your readers.

But this Article is not about the reasons for choosing a Ghostwriter. It is about the things a good ghostwriter should do:

Knowing the Author’s Personality:

  • The way they speak
  • Values and Principles
  • The author’s favorite things in the world
  • Their take on important events in their lives.

All the above becomes rich material to use when working on their books, especially the prologue. A good Ghostwriter writes to one person, impersonating the author to have a talk with their reader. When the client or author reads each chapter, they should “feel” something, and that something should be true.

A Good Ghostwriter Listens:

Is your ghostwriter listening to what is being said, and what is not being said?
• Accurate information is essential to your story, hence recordings of debrief sessions cannot be overemphasized, and a good ghostwriter should be jotting things down during these sessions.

A Good Ghostwriter Seeks Clarity:

• Your Ghostwriter will ask unexpected questions, questions that address sublime messages the client may not have noticed in past experiences. It is fine for your ghostwriter to have a questionnaire template to follow through, but this becomes a problem when they are not asking questions that reveal important messages in your story, or questions that help you reflect further.
• Good Ghostwriters are patient, they may send important questions ahead of sessions to allow clients reflect and provide better material.

A Good Ghostwriter is not your Pastor (They don’t judge you!):

• Your Ghostwriter is like a sharp knife to cut meat. They don’t have to judge you to do their work but they should be experienced, creative and prolific enough to get the job done.

A Good Ghostwriter does Research & Reads Wide:

• Great writing isn’t just about your memories. It also involves fact checking to come up with material that will enhance the book. Your ghostwriter will relate story events to analogies and metaphors people will better appreciate, all the above cannot be done on just the client’s memories.

A Good Ghostwriter understands your style:

• They understand your personality and try to mirror that in writing. They should also be able to infuse your journals or reflections in the work.

My name is Racheal Asikpo. I can take the creative weight of completing your stories. I can also give you 70% distance from the writing and research. I offer ghostwriting, developmental editing and copyediting services. How about you allow a fresh pair of eyes give you a fresh breath of air?

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I look forward to hearing from you.